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Kids Heel Pain

This information is not meant as an aid in the diagnosis of any disease or health condition. Consult your physician before starting any treatment.

Helping 1,000’s of Young Athletes
Achieve Outstanding Results

With pioneering treatment for Osgood Schlatters and Sever’s Disease available
exclusively in the KidHeelPain.com. Click below to find out more or order online.

Our Website is designed to provide information and treatment options for parents and physicians of
children suffering from Sever’s disease, a common cause of heel pain in adolescent athletes.

Over 25 million children are in the age bracket susceptible to Sever’s disease in the United States alone!

Who is most likely to be a victim of Sever’s disease?

Sever’s disease is probably the most frequent cause of heel pain in children. The condition occurs most commonly in children between the ages of 8 and 14 years but it can occur in younger children. Both boys and girls are equally vulnerable to its debilitating effects. Sever’s disease is characterized by activity-related pain that occurs on the back of the heel, where the Achilles Tendon attaches on the heel bone, or Calcaneus.

What is Sever’s disease?

Sever’s disease, also known as Calcaneal Apophysitis, is defined by a characteristic soreness and “tenderness” in the heels of growing children.

How is it treated?

Until now the only approved treatment for Sever’s disease was anti-inflammatory drugs in conjunction with “RICE”.

What is Oscon?

Oscon is a specifically balanced formula of organically bound and clinically tested selenium compounds contained within the cells…

How to Order Oscon

This information is not meant as an aid in the diagnosis of any disease or health condition.


My son struggled with Sever’s Disease for months. After starting Oscon, the improvement was remarkable. He’s back to playing soccer pain-free!

Karen M.

Oscon has been a lifesaver for my daughter. Her heel pain is gone, and she’s more active than ever. Thank you, Oscon!

John S.

I was amazed at how quickly Oscon worked. My son’s heel pain disappeared, and he’s back to his usual activities. Highly recommend!

Lisa T.

My son was devastated by Sever’s Disease, but after using Oscon, he’s back on the field and playing better than ever. Thank you, Oscon!

Sarah J.

Oscon has been a game-changer for my daughter. The pain is gone, and she’s more confident in her sports activities. Highly recommend!

Mark T.

My daughter is a gymnast in CO and has Severs. A friend of mine ordered her first bottle of Oscon for us and it seems to be helping. I haven’t noticed near the amount of pain complaints since she has started taking Oscon. At the time we started Oscon we were at our wit’s end. My daughter also sees a massage therapist once a week and between the two, we are seeing improvement. We are excited at the possibility of little or no pain. It may keep my daughter in gymnastics when she was ready to give up. Is there anyway we can get a list of ingredients? I would really like to know what she is taking. We have taken it on pure faith thus far.

Mary L.

I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that after having taken the Oscon tablets for a period of one week the results are nothing short of fantastic. The pain has disappeared completely and the lump at the front of the knee has all but gone, This is a great relief to us as he suffered from Severs disease for approximately 2 years, and we were not looking forward to watching him suffer from this complaint. So on behalf of my wife and myself thank you.

Bill R.

Just want to thank you so much for making my daughter’s life pain free!!! She is an Irish Dancer who is nearly 14 years old & has suffered with terrible heel pain for about 18 months and was diagnosed by a biomechanic as having severs disease & would have to look at giving up the dancing which she loves. Irish dancing puts an enormous amount of strain on the feet & she would come home after dancing crying & in agony. I’m so glad that I searched the internet and found your website, and had the courage to give Oscon a try because 3 weeks after taking it she now only gets twinges in her heels, and has started to dance with a smile on her face as she has no pain! She still has physio weekly to stretch the muscles in her legs, but what a difference Oscon has made. Just re-ordered another month’s supply to make sure she is totally pain free.

Penelope H.

My 13 year old boy is extremely talented in track & field, and has been frustrated with not been able to compete this season due to Severs. After three weeks of taking Oscon, and seeing a physiotherapist twice a week, he is almost pain free. He has been able to run sprints and hurdles, with hardly any pain, and has just been selected in the State team, to compete in the Nationals in hurdles. I am so glad I came across your website, and in desperation, decided to give Oscon a go. My son is just about to finish his first bottle, and I have ordered another one, so he will be able to compete in the Nationals without any problems. I just wanted to say thank you very much, and you may use this on your website.

Raine Mitchell

My 13 yo daughter had Severs and plays at an elite level of tennis and predominantly on hard courts. She could not train for extended periods without severe pain. She has been taking the Oscon for a month now and the pain is gone. We have also reduced the number of hours on court, ice the heel after play and she has been working regularly with a physio. We are all very pleased with the outcome.

Philip K.

All I can say is THANK GOD FOR OSCON!!! My daughter is an 11 year old gymnast competing Level 7, and this being her second occurrence of severs. Many of the Ortho doctors I have taken her to do not understand that during season “there are no breaks”. She was in a tremendous amount of pain. Her coaches telling her to suck it up and me as a mother seeing her child in all that pain was killing both of us. So after icing after meets and practices and still reducing practice time it was still not enough. I decided to do my own Internet research and I am so pleased to have found your product. I believe it was about 2 weeks that the pain did start to reduce. She still had the pain so I bought an ankle sleeve with a heel insert sewed into it (it is call a Cheetah, purchased from the 10.0 catalog a gymnast catalog). That helped with the pounding to the heel during practice. I also purchased heel inserts call Heel Seats. At day 30 after practice she has stated she has no more pain. We will continue to do the 2/day treatment for another month to make sure she will be fine for her State Competition.

I have already recommended the product to another gymnast at the gym and she is on her first week of taking the product. I think it may take her a little longer to feel the benefits, but I keep telling them to be patient it will come!

Sherri S.

Thank you for the timely shipment of the Oscon. My daughter was diagnosed with Severs Disease over a week ago and began taking Oscon the very day it came in the mail. She is 10 years old and is in her third year of competitive AAU basketball and also plays fast pitch softball. After one day of taking the Oscon, my daughter was able to play a complete basketball game without pain and discomfort. (NOTE: This is an unusually fast response. Five days is more typical.) Three days prior, she could not finish a practice without hurting and having to sit down. I am truly grateful for Oscon as is my daughter’s coach. Thank you.

Lori B.

Thank you so much for this product, it worked exactly as advertised and even faster for my daughter, within 1 week she was telling me her heel pain was gone! So much so that she participated in a 2 day weekend tumble camp and then the very next day participated in a week long soccer camp, ALL without any heel pain that plagued her all thru her winter cheer/tumble season and spring soccer season. It was really like magic, and we are so grateful and thankful. I have already passed the word to others who suffer from OS and severs. Just wanted you to know you have another satisfied little 7 year old tumbler and soccer player (and mom).

Heather M.

Our son was diagnosed with Severs in the middle of the Basketball and Football season last year, he was 12 at the time and incredibly active. Aside from that he had had a huge growth spurt and was growing before our eyes. I found out about Oscon on the internet and decided to give it a go. Our son took the supplement and combined with massage and stretching noticed a reduction in pain in about 2 weeks. He is not someone who would miss out on his sport so he continued to play just as hard as before, and completed the season without missing a beat.

This year he is having knee pain and has been told it could be Osgood-Schlatters, so we thought we would get on to the Oscon straight away. He has Grand Finals in both Football and Basketball coming up over the next few weeks and is in the middle of Athletics training. I am hoping the Oscon will be just as successful in treating the knee pain as it was his heel pain. Will keep you posted. Thank You.

Mary L.

I was really skeptical yet desperate to find something for our daughter’s severs. She was limping almost every day. She had hurt it fencing almost 3 months ago and by August, the Dr. had told us she had Sever’s. She was in a lot of pain and resting didn’t seem to help. She’s been taking it for the last 2 1/2 weeks along with wearing the heel cups and the symptoms have definitely been alleviated; she hasn’t been limping, and on a whole, a much happier girl. (Now all I need is to have you make a chewable form! She’s not the best with swallowing vitamins.


I must admit that I was a bit hesitant to try Oscon but I was at my wits end with my son’s heel pain. He has been plagued with Severs on and off for 3 years now (12 year old soccer player). One week of Oscon, his pain was substantially subsided, by 2 1/2 weeks, his pain is totally gone. He has been playing futsal on a cement court in addition to outdoor soccer and has no pain at all! I am now placing my order for his second bottle along with orders for 2 other teammates. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Sue A.

My 12 year old daughter was having extreme pain in her foot. We “figured” this was attributed to wrestling. The podiatrist took x rays to discover that she was developing an extra bone on the side of her foot. It seems that high level athletes can experience excessive cartilage and bone growth, especially when experiencing a growth spurt. The podiatrist taped / wrapped her foot and put her in a walking brace for weeks. That completely made her situation much worse. Next. We met with a surgeon, who was honest in stating that the benefits of surgery would be unlikely to supersede the risks of other complications. So we we’re left with zero answers other than for her to deal with the pain and limitations. and hopefully time will heal. As a parent, you know that you want to help your child if you can.

FORTUNATELY… A friend of ours in the medical world whispered that we should order Oscon supplements for her. He even has his kids use it rarely as needed when experiencing similar growing pain and sports pain issues. WOW!!! She experienced relief within a couple of days, and was pain free in 2 to 3 weeks. I can’t believe that this information isn’t more widespread about such a simple solution to a seemingly common problems for athletes with growth spurts. I by no means am a professional to speak accurately about this stuff. I can definitely tell you that this supplement provided extremely fast results for my daughter with her specific condition. I’m guessing that others may not experience relief from this supplement due to their condition not falling into the category of Oscons known benefits. My wife and I have shared our experiences with others and have been thanked by parents repeatedly. Okay, The secrets out. Hopefully these supplements can help your child as well.


Love this product. Daughter has Sever’s Disease in both feet and inflammation in knees. Product helped tremendously!


We have had good luck with these. My daughter has heel pain from soccer and growth spurts, these along with heel pads, stretching, massage and ice has allowed her to get back on the field.


My son plays high school football and is sore and dinged up from practice and games. He believe these supplements helped him heal quicker. At $40 a bottle for one month supply, we’re not buying again.
